The Change I want to Make

The Change I want to Make

We are (Our Actions are) manifestations of our Inner-self, the things we do are strongly related to our past physical, earthly, emotional; tangible and intangible experiences (both) and cannot be easily manipulated , often when someone get mature enough to decide between right and wrong. It is often been quoted and broadcasted these days, that our generation is experiencing the ‘Golden Age’ of Human Technological Innovations; and chronological success in divergent dimensions of Physical and Quantum Sciences and Technological Applications, Conceptual and implemented both; have created new dimensions of exploration of Physical and Cognitive Sciences; but the complete story is disturbing, horrific, often under estimated and less discussed; we are also on the verge of mass/industrial transformation,  we’re at a stage of rapid bio-social transformation; UN Habitat report mentions about Homo Sapiens Urbanus, a new Urban Human species, resource hungry, tech-phillic, tech-oriented, tech-dependent species. The world is already witnessing one of the most critical, catastrophic natural events globally and scientific studies indicates further worsening of the frequency of calamities. Be it Bleaching of Coral reefs, Rapid increase in global extinction of endangered species of flora and fauna; Increase in global natural and man-made hazards, global weather alterations, ocean temperature and level rises, global biosphere pollution including Air temperature rise; repercussions are going to be long lasting and will impact posterity on Individual, Social, Political, Economic and Environmental scales; entire web of production and consumption of goods and lifestyle will “Change”.

And when the problem(s) are countless and Solution has to be ‘Think Global, Act Local’, and participation of each individual is required, problem further intensifies and create multi-stakeholder trouble in execution due to multiple stakes and varying individual Interests. One of the core values of most of Asiatic and Global religions, lies in philosophy of ‘Nature and Human Symbiosis’ and Integration, Sustenance as per natural rules, minimal impact on nature; but still worsening conditions of natural ecosystems is widespread, the rivers which transported natural rock minerals, and herbal extracts for past millenniums are now facing multiple worse scenarios like; some are dried, some carry only  human and industrial sludge, some are reasonably flooded but char-black, high BOD and COD polluted, biologically contaminated water, in most of Growing/ Industrializing parts of degrading planet Earth. I belong to a nation, which has huge potential in terms of Global Impact and Power, but dirty politics and corruption often hinders the impact on ground root level, surveys are often falsified, or misconducted, and reality is often overlooked; rules and regulations related to Environmental Pollution Control are often flouted. We have now multiple cities in Top twenty most polluted cities in the world.

It was never been much easier in broadcasting ideas temporally and spatially, as it is now in the History of Human kind; Initiatives like Ted, UNacademy, Edx, Coursera, NPTEL, Wikipedia, and other cross-continental web-knowledge sharing platforms has made available  information on fingertips and  has diversified scope of innovation. In such a diversified world, where Earth is degrading and Population is ever-growing; starting ventures and enterprises operating in innovative and tools of sustainable development like Waste to Energy, Waste to Products, Material and Waste Recycling and Resource efficient operations based on complete Life Cycle Analysis of products (Cradle to Cradle/ Cradle to Grave) is not only demand of time but is a natural obligation to the Mother Earth. So, my philosophy of Change will be inherently based on Sustainable Growth, which has potential of reversing the negative consequences of anthropogenic activities; has quality of mass replication, minimal operational impact and huge social-political-economical-environmental benefits. A global broadcasting channel and platform focussing on innovative earth friendly practices and common platform for similar-minded enthusiasts. The knowledge sharing and Practical ‘what-when-why-which-how-where’ discussion platforms for long and vast impact on Human Choices of consumer products, and consumption pattern which is currently relied on polluting and exhaustible, irreplaceable natural and precious earthly resources and high energy and carbon footprint. Becoming a “Medium of Change” for the dialogue for sustainable practices for minimalistic living and providing alternate choices for consumption of necessary goods and services operationalized with Renewable or Waste Recycled/Retrieved Energy and Resources; is my idea of “The Change I Want to Make”.


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